Sagittarius Season 2020

Sagittarius Season 2020

Welcome all to Majestical Market! Today’s topic will be all about Sagittarius Season. Before discussing the expectations of this new zodiac season, here are some quick facts. Sagittarius is the Ninth astrological sign, their symbol is an Archer, their element is Fire, their ruling planet is Jupiter, and they are the only mutablefire sign. All four elements have one mutable sign in each area, for the element of fire, Sagittarians are the mutable sign. The meaning of a mutable sign is that out of the two other signs in whichever element, they are the ones who are most associated with versatility, adaptability, and compassion. Mutable signs moderate change and change their expressions habitually in order to adapt to change. Their thoughtfulness and understanding help with assisting others with transitions. Sagittarius Season has officially started, November 21 and will come to a close on December 21.Sagittarian energy is full of optimism, abundance, and audaciousness. This season offers us a chance to be bold and to overcome our anxieties and fears. We are being highly encouraged to evolve and transform so that we can be even more wise and strong. Sagittarius influences us to find the deeper meanings behind our actions, connections, and life choices. Our intuition is reminding us that everything that is meant for us will slowly be unfolding, even in the challenging times. Our minds need to remain open so that we can focus our attention on the good in our lives. Life is an adventure full of good and bad, but these moments educate, lengthen, and advance our minds. We are continuously led by love and guidance while exploring the journey that life is. Sagittarius Season will be a busy time as we move through powerful energies. Utilize this energy to magnify your influence on your friends, family, strangers, and most importantly yourself. Majestical Market wishes you the best of luck!

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