All numbers have vibrations and meaning behind them. Seeing triple numbers is often our angel's and spirit team trying to communicate with us in this physical plane.
See below for angel number meanings.
111 – (The intuition)
The number of manifestations. A reminder that you
create your own reality. Be aware that your thoughts, intentions,
beliefs and actions will manifest. You have the power to make
your wishes come true with a positive mindset.
222- (The Right path)
Trust and believe that you are on the right path.
Prepare for your manifestations and fresh beginnings.
Think of only the things you desire when seeing this number
and make sure this is what you really want.
333- (The Equilibrium)
A reminder to reconnect with your mind, body and spirit.
Stay balanced with all 3 aspects and don’t neglect one.
Focus on yourself and purpose and remove any distractions.
444- (The protection)
The universe, God and your spiritual guides are protecting you.
Listen to your intuition and honor your body. You are at harmony
with your higher self. Pay attention to your thoughts and
environment when seeing this number.
555- (The change)
Prepare for change and transformation. A change is occurring,
the divine is moving things around when you see this number.
Be open and positive for changes. This is for your highest good.
666- (The Step Back)
This is your wakeup call. Take a step back to rethink and ask yourself
if you are doing right or wrong. Be conscious of the ripple affect
your words & actions create. Realign yourself, dream big and
transform your life with a positive attitude.
777- (The Inner Strength)
Release all fears and anxieties. You are on the right path and
are in harmony with the universe. Tap into your inner wisdom
and power. You are guided and will be blessed on your journey
by the divine.
888 - (The Balance)
This is the number of infinity and abundance.
Your thoughts and actions are in harmony with the universe.
Your mindset of abundance is manifesting opportunities and blessings your way.
Give thanks for the blessings and miracles that enter your life and trust t
hat everything is working out in your favor.
999- (The complete cycle)
You are wrapping up a cycle. It is time let go of what no longer serves
you and wrap up loose ends. Prepare for new beginnings once you have
gotten closure and released. You must let go of what no longer serves
you to welcome blessings and abundance into your life.
-Glass Pearls
-Material: Stainless steel